Topic Progress:


What Does Exemplary Implementation of Essential Function 3 Look Like?

Educators create a strategic and differentiated coaching plan by

  • aligning their coaching plan focus to school building/district vision and goals,
  • using self-assessment of the Practice Profile for selected educational practice(s),
  • supporting development of Growth Goals,
  • establishing methods of data collection for indicators of progress, and
  • sharing a plan for gradual release of responsibility.

Download the School-Based Implementation Coaching Practice Profile


Next Steps in Developing a Strategic and Differentiated Coaching Plan

What steps can you take to improve your use of Growth Goal Plans right now?

Reflect on your district/building/team’s current knowledge and fluency with Essential Function 3 – Developing Strategic and Differentiated Coaching Plans, then determine possible next steps, including,

  • self-assessing using a Practice Profile or SAPP from the MMD/DCI Framework,
  • selecting a Growth Goal,
  • drafting a Growth Goal Plan, and
  • coaching a colleague in the development of a Growth Goal Plan.