
The research on college and career competencies, which is discussed in the specific competency lessons, consistently supports two key points. First, intra- and interpersonal competencies contribute to improved post-school outcomes. Second, to be effective, the competencies must be integrated systematically on a universal basis. For that reason, the overall focus of this training is on helping educators embed intra- and interpersonal competencies into course content.


At the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Define the college and career competencies.
  • Explain the positive impacts of the competencies on behavior, academic achievement, graduation rates, and post-school outcomes.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the intra- and interpersonal behaviors associated with the competencies.

Reflective Questions

  • Which skills are important for your students’ post-school success?
  • What opportunities do you provide in your class for students to practice intra- and interpersonal skills, with feedback?
  • Do you model behaviors that will help your students succeed emotionally and socially?