This infographic is meant to give a quick overivew of the module in graphic form. DBDM Infographic shows the GAINS cycle of G) Gather, A) Analyze, I) Intentionally Act & Analyze Again, N) Notice & Adjust, and S) Systematically Repeat. Benefits for teachers include • insight into what really works, • awareness of student strengths and misconceptions, • structure for using student learning data to inform instruction, • data to inform and improve building-wide instructional goals, and • improved level of collective efficacy. Benefits for students include: • improved teaching leading to deeper understanding of content, • deeper understanding of content, and • higher rates of success. The purpose of DBDM is to • Emphasizes using data to improve instruction for all students, not only those who are struggling • Promotes commitment to deep reflection, process, and follow-through • Relies on evidence of learning (data) to guide collaboration