
A communication skill, assertiveness is the ability to calmly express yourself, while also respecting what others have to say. Students use self-awareness to express themselves assertively, self-regulation to maintain articulated needs and boundaries, and empathy to understand how their communication might infringe on others.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Define the college and career competency of assertiveness.
  • Explain the need to express oneself honestly while respecting others being assertive.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of assertive, passive, and aggressive behaviors.
  • Develop an assertiveness instructional plan incorporating “I messages,” active listening, and other strategies.

Reflective Questions

  • Which students in your class struggle to speak up or ask for help on assignments?
  • Which is harder to teach: authentic self-expression or respect for others’ self-expression?
  • How do you teach your students to express their thoughts, opinions, and needs in your class?
  • Do you model assertiveness?