Revisit DBDM Essential Question

  • How can I/we establish and sustain a culture and process for strategic instructional decision making across our building, teams and classrooms?

Developing Action Steps

Review your scoring on the Practice Profile for the DBDM 6-steps:

  • Where are there strategic opportunities for your team/faculty to implement action steps that can move your process towards DBDM forward efficiently and effectively?
  • What are your teams/faculty goals for DBDM during the current school year?
  • What job embedded professional learning will need to take place once your team/faculty returns to your building?

Embedding DBDM into Professional Practice

Review your scoring on the Practice Profile for the DBDM 6-steps:

  • What action steps will your team/faculty need to implement within Step 6 – Monitoring to increase the likelihood of fidelity of implementation?
  • How will your team/faculty respond to resistant team/faculty members?

Need more ideas about how to put the DBDM steps into practice? Check out this Sample DBDM Team Schedule.