
This lesson describes the need for systematic and early identification of students needing Tier 2 supports.   A teacher nomination process is one component of a comprehensive identification system teams can develop that allows candidates to be considered for Tier 2 supports.  Nominations are particularly effective for early identification of students with internalizing behaviors.

Two other processes, the use of existing school data and universal screening, are described in accompanying lessons.


By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Develop a simple and brief Teacher Nomination form as a part of your systematic process to identify students at-risk.
  • Develop the logistics for your nomination process.


This lesson is for Tier 2 teams in schools that are implementing Tier 1 with fidelity and are ready to start planning Tier 2 systems, data, and practices.

Reflective Questions

  • Does your school have a system to identify students for Tier 2 academic and/or behavioral support that includes an effective and efficient nomination process?
  • If you have a nomination process for behavioral support, does it allow for the identification of students who exhibit internalizing and/or externalizing behaviors?
  • Why is it important to have a nomination process as one means for identifying students who may need additional support?