Collective [teacher] efficacy is the perception of teachers in a school that the efforts of the faculty as a whole will have a positive effect on student learning.”

(Goddard, et.al. 2000)

Group of teachers

According to John Hattie (2018), when there is a high level of Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE) in a school, teachers are more likely to

  • implement innovative strategies,
  • work collaboratively,
  • have high expectations for improving instruction through the use of data,
  • positively impact student performance, 
  • have confidence in their instructional abilities,
  • be committed to teaching as a profession.
  • be resilient, and
  • value parent participation.

CTE is not a phenomenon that happens in a school. It is developed when district/building leaders create a culture that allows teachers to feel and experience personal and collective efficacy. Essential Function 1 focuses on clarifying what is meant by CTE, its impact on student learning, and four ways individuals develop efficacy.

CTE Key Terms (Bandura, 1994)

  • Efficacy is a capacity for producing a desired result or effect.
  • Self-Efficacy is an individual’s belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance and goal attainment.
  • Teacher Efficacy is one’s confidence in his/her ability to promote students’ learning.
  • Collective Efficacy is a group’s shared belief in its combined capabilities to attain their goals and accomplish desired tasks.
  • Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE) is a perception of teachers in a school that the efforts of the faculty as a whole will have a positive effect on students.
  • Mastery Experience is when you experience success firsthand. It requires experience in overcoming obstacles through perseverant effort.
  • Vicarious Experience is observing people similar to oneself succeed.
  • Social Persuasion occurs when a trusted source provides feedback and encouragement regarding one’s ability to succeed.
  • Affective State is when one judges their ability to succeed based on their mood, feeling, and/or attitude.
  • A Social Network is a network of individuals (e.g. friends, acquaintances, coworkers) connected by interpersonal relationships.
  • Teacher Leadership refers to other roles teachers, who work directly with students, participate in that have an influence extending beyond their own classroom/caseloads.
  • Teacher Voice refers to the values, opinions, beliefs, perspectives, expertise, and cultural backgrounds of the teachers working in a school/district.
  • Teacher Inquiry is a formal process used by educators to explore teaching practices that identifies successful approaches to improving learning and outcomes for students.

Essential Function 1: District/Building leaders provide opportunities for teachers to experience the four sources of efficacy, and teachers have a combined belief that they have a major impact on student learning.

District/Building leaders have a system-wide plan for implementation of Collective Teacher Efficacy that includes all of the criteria below:

  • Teachers successfully implement a new instructional strategy or practice learned in training (affective state).
  • Teachers receive feedback and encouragement regarding the implementation of an instructional strategy or practice learned in training (social persuasion).
  • Teachers have opportunities to observe others in their building implement a new instructional strategy or practice learned in training (vicarious experience).
  • Data is collected as evidence that teachers have implemented a new instructional strategy or practice learned in training (mastery experience).
  • Resources and support needed to make a major impact on student learning are made available to teachers.

Download the Collective Teacher Efficacy Practice Profile

Reflective Questions

  • What do you already understand about Collective Teacher Efficacy and how would you rate your school/district’s current CTE?
  • In what ways could CTE impact student learning?
  • What resources and supports does your school/district make available to teachers to help them impact student learning?