“The only way that higher standards, and new systems of support and evaluation, will work, is if teachers lead this change in partnership and collaboration with principals, parents and communities…. Teachers have spoken eloquently about how important it is to have a voice in what happens in their schools and their profession — without leaving the classroom.”

Former U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan

Essential Function 4: District/Building leaders establish a climate that values teacher voice in decision-making.

Regarding major decisions in their school, teachers report the following criteria occur.

  • The decision-making process is transparent
  • The decision-making process includes opportunities for teachers to share their ideas and expertise
  • They believe they have an influential voice in decisions
  • They trust those in the decision-making role
  • A collaborative problem-solving approach is used to generate ideas/solutions

Download the Collective Teacher Efficacy Practice Profile

Reflection Questions

  • How might providing opportunities for teachers to have input in decision making and problem-solving build Collective Teacher Efficacy?
  • Would teachers say they have a voice in instructional and other important educational decisions being made in your school/district?
  • Does a culture of trust exist in your school/district?