Topic Progress:

Lesson Summary

During this lesson, you learned about the need to have multiple methods for student identification that include internalizing and externalizing behaviors.  You also learned considerations for developing a universal screening system.

Next Step Question(s)

Next steps include completing the Universal Screening Considerations document to guide the development of your system.

Update your Tier 2 action plan.  Develop action steps and a timeline for completion of your universal screening system.  Include any professional development you will provide to your staff.

Items to Submit to Consultant

This is the final Student Identification Process lesson; you have now completed Course 3.  When you have updated your Tier 2 action plan for your student identification process, submit your action plan to your consultant.

For More Information

Additional information about the student identification process can be found in Chapter 3 of the Missouri SW-PBS Tier 2 Team Workbook which can be found at

Next Lesson

When you are ready, continue with the next course, Selecting Function-Based Interventions, Monitoring Student Progress, and Interpreting Data to Make Decisions which will provide information to develop systems for gathering data to determine the function of behavior and analyzing and interpreting student intervention data.