Topic Progress:

In Practice

Who should be on a leadership team, and what characteristics would be helpful in selecting team members?

In establishing an effective leadership team, it is important for a building administrator and/or an administrative team to work at developing a “balance” of characteristics or personality types.  Members of a leadership team will greatly influence the direction and success of any school improvement effort.  So getting the right personalities on the team is critical.  To be successful, a principal might consider the following skill sets and important elements for team members:

A consideration of other people’s feelings.  Some individuals have great skill in building and sustain supportive relationships with colleagues.  Individuals with this skill or personality are sometimes referred to as “south” leaders.  They like to know that everyone’s feelings have been taken into consideration, that their voices have been heard before acting.

An attention to organization, having clear rules, and adhering to a system.  Individuals with this skill or personality are detail-oriented leaders who can structure the change process in meaningful ways.  They are often referred to as “west” and like to know the who what, when, where, and why before acting.

An ability to think logically through a problem and get the job done.  These are action oriented individuals who are sometimes referred to as “north”. They like to plunge in to a task, try new things, and get a task accomplished.

An ability to think innovatively.  Individuals with this skill are able to see the big picture and think outside of the box.  They are often referred to as “east” personalities.   They like to speculate upon a task, and consider all the possibilities before acting.

Either individually or with an administrative team, assemble your building leadership team by first identifying the personalities of your faculty members and attempting to place them into four personality categories.  Consider using the following template to perform this task:

“Who are the Personalities in Your Organization” from:

To guarantee that ideas spread across an entire building, it is essential that a leadership team include members who are influential in every grade level and department in your school. Either individually or with an administrative team, use the following tracking table to begin to identify the departments/grade levels in your building and the individuals from those departments or grade levels who would be good prospective leadership team members.

The following video features Eric Johnson, principal of Columbia Hickman High School.  Listen as he discusses the characteristics he feels are important in selecting a balanced leadership team.  Then either reflect personally, or with your team, as to how these considerations might impact the individuals you would select for a leadership team.

“Balancing the Core Team”