Topic Progress:


Course: Student Identification Process: Existing School Data from Missouri SW-PBS on Vimeo.

Read the video transcript here.


Word Existing School Data Inventory Sample and Template


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Pause & Reflect #1

Consider these questions about data in your school:

  • What behavioral and academic data does your school currently collect?
  • Where is the data stored?
  • Who has access to the data?

Pause & Reflect #2

Review your list of all the academic and behavioral data collected in your school.

  • Which measures will you use for early identification of students needing Tier 2 behavior supports?

Identify students perceived to be “at-risk” in your school and determine the range for each measure you selected.

  • Based on the range, what will be the trigger for “at-risk”?
  • What will be considered “proficient”?
  • What will be the trigger for “high-risk”?

Use the blank template on page 2 of the Existing School Data Inventory Sample and Template handout to document your draft existing data inventory.

  • Are there other teams in your building who might consider using this format for the support they provide?

Pause & Reflect #3

  • Once you have a draft of your existing data inventory, how will your share and receive input from staff?
  • Do you have a system in place to receive information about students who need to be included on the Tier 2 team agenda if the Tier 1 team’s monthly data review determines that a student has met a decision rule?
    • Will the crossover team member provide this information to the Tier 2 team or will someone else have this responsibility?


pdf-icon Topic in Practice

There is a scenario embedded within the lesson about how a Tier 2 team might develop ODR data decision rules for proficient, at-risk, and high-risk based on their school’s existing data for at-risk students.

  • Discuss with your team what ODR data decision rules you would establish for proficient, at-risk and high-risk for this school.
  • Why were those rules selected?