Topic Progress:


Consider the questions for further reflection.

How do you model self-regulation?

What distractions do students encounter that could be ignored or changed through self-regulation?

How will you instruct students to plan, monitor, control, and reflect regarding behaviors?

What ways students can practice self-regulation on their own throughout the school year that ensures reflection?


Lesson Summary

In this lesson, you had the opportunity to:

  • Learn about self-regulation, the ability to monitor and manage emotions, thoughts, and behaviors to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Review a four-step process of connecting behavior directly to desired outcomes.
  • Reflect on how self-regulation can be taught and reinforced in the classroom.

Next Steps

  • Think about what you can do in the next week, the next month, and for the remainder of the school year to help your students become self-regulated learners.
  • Using what you have learned in this learning package, meet with your colleagues to discuss some ideas for teaching self-regulation.